Humble Beginnings
What’s a gripe you have about the sneaker community that is discussed but not enough? I’ll go first.
The need to prove you’re really a sneaker(HER)HEAD, enthusiast, lover, addict or whatever your preference is of saying “I LOVE SNEAKERS “; Usually by being quizzed or challenged about the history of your collection, authenticity, HYPE Rating and a plethora of other B.S. ideas a hater can think of.
Sorry for the rant but we all know it’s true, right?
Now that I’ve gotten your attention and that off my chest, I have to be honest and say for the first blog I’m going to contradict myself here and introduce you to why sneakers chose me and why Imma stick beside ‘em.
Like many of us, my family was broke; “you better not F*CK up your good shoes” broke. And by good I mean 2 for $89 split between my brother and I that were purchased during Income tax season or at the beginning of the school year broke. outside of being broke my mom used to dress me like a lil boy in my opinion.

So naturally when I turned 16 I I started working at McDonald’s and began buying my own sneakers; it was downhill from there.
But I still ask myself "how did I really fall in love with sneakers" and "why do they have a chokehold on my life and bank account today"; so this is the perfect time for us to explore together.
As I think about this I can recall a time that someone handed me down a pair of Jordan 11’s that were a half a size too small and I remember trying to squeeze my feet into those joints until I couldn’t take it anymore. "Tales of a Big Foot Woman" may just be the next blog post lol. I had to be in 5th or 6th grade at the time.
The next big sneaker memory was definitely in middle school; I wore some purple and white FUBU sneakers to the spring dance. Not the most fashionable but setting the room for this addiction I’ve grown to love and hate as it plays a huge role in my ever evolving style today.

Fast forward to 9th grade year: Still broke BUTTTTTT I was given some money to go school shopping when I moved to louisiana and baby I ate that Reebok outlet up! Walked out with 4 pairs and treated them just like I would a pair of 1’s or Yeezy’s today. They stayed cleaned due to my borderline ocd and so did I in my lil uniform, colorful socks and fresh to me kicks. You couldn’t tell me nothing at the time but now I don’t really wear Reebok.
Half way through the year I made a young adult decision to move back to Texas and was slapped into the 2 for $89 reality that I temporarily escaped. Texas high school was different though. It was a fashion show for the middle class and a roast session for the broke. With minimal style and not hitting my prime in looks yet sneakers was all I had to stand out I suppose (well at least I felt that way then). I found myself begging to work so that I could buy my own clothes and shoes which led to my job at McDonalds (yet another story for another day).
My First Love
Unfortunately, this didn’t come until a year later but eBay became my best friend. I got some of my best pairs of dunks off eBay. Mentioned these specifically because Nike Dunks were my true first love when introduced to sneaker culture. At the time I definitely couldn't afford Jordans because with the freedom of a job came the onset of bills to help the family BUT I knew my reward to myself would be sneakers.

So about those dunks and why I fell in love with them:
- Poor man’s jordans - Couldn’t afford em so I chose something that looked just like them to me. Cut me some slack I was 16/17 at the time.
- Color selection - The colors were loud and were the staple to my outfit.
- Comfort - only on the SB Dunks. The cushion of that tongue was EVERYTHING!
- Price - Goes without saying from the first reason but still should be mentioned!
- Accessibility - My mama was not letting me go to no mall for shoes even if I could afford it lol and these were everywhere back then.

Sneaker Life Today
Ironically 3 of those 5 reasons are why I still love dunks today but I’ll be the first to admit my collection is a combination of color and comfort as well as a little more diverse than just dunks. Plus they are hard to come by these days. I don’t go out often but I still buy and wear (you may even say collect since I don’t wear them daily) sneakers every chance I get as well as get inspired by them to create some of the dopest shirts and hoodies on the website. I’d say my attachment to sneakers is not like most of the community as you’ll learn through this blog and it’s posts moving forward but nonetheless I am still a sneakerhead and will forever love sneakers.

What to expect:
I truly hope this first post was enjoyable for you to read as it was for me to type because there are more to come. This will not be a traditional blog! If you’re down for the ride I’ll be bringing you mild and controversial Sneaker topics to chime in on, random thoughts I have as they relate to the sneaker industry, and behind the scenes details on new products. I’ll try to organize so that you get what you came for but of course hit the subscribe button to be the first to read any new post.
One thing to consider as I grow this blog - please be respectful in comments to one another and myself. Remember it’s just sneakers and this is just the internet.
And with that - please tell me your sneaker story and thoughts on the first blog in the comments below. Don't forget to subscribe!